令和4年度樟蔭中学校高等学校 学校評価
1 自ら学び、考える力を養う総合的な学力を育む
2 自らの興味・関心を深め、能力・適性をさらに伸ばし、将来の目標を達成する力を育む
3 自らの判断に基づいた行動ができる自立性と、社会生活や学校生活における規範意識の涵養に努めるとともに、様々な教育活動を通して豊かな人間性を育む
次に中期的目標として、1 学力の育成、2 豊かな人間性の育成、3 進路の保証、4 教員力の向上、5 入学生の確保、6 安全安心な学校づくり を掲げております。
令和4年度の自己評価(教員や生徒アンケートを基にした評価)について、1 学力の育成で特筆すべきことは、ニュージーランドへの3カ月の留学に対して希望者15名が参加し、大きな成果を挙げてくれたことがあります。また、台湾の曙光女子高級学校との交流に加えて、韓国の世和女子中学校との交流が始まり、3月には韓国研修旅行として希望者24人が参加、充実した交流・体験を行ってきたことも上げられます。
次に、2 豊かな人間性の育成の項目では、登下校や集会時だけでなく日常的な学校生活での挨拶や規律について、生徒アンケートの結果が、「挨拶をよくしている」92%。「ルールをよく守っている」96%と非常に高くなっており、生徒たちが意識を高く持っていることがうかがわれます。
3 進路の保証については、大阪樟蔭女子大学の教員による説明会や面談、出張講座、さらに中学からのコースによる模擬試験や進路HR、各種補習と小論文指導などにより、進路希望100%実現を掲げています。
4 教員力の向上では、授業アンケートや研究授業、またICT機器の活用研修などによる授業力の向上と、組織的な学校運営や情報共有による活性化を図っています。
5 入学生の確保については、変化する生徒・保護者のニーズの把握への対応、地元との連携、学校HPやSNSによる広報・情報発信に努めるとともに、在校生・保護者へのアンケートを行い、生徒の「学校が楽しい」80%や保護者の満足度90%など高評価な項目以外について、分析・改善を進めています。
6 安全安心な学校づくりでは、教育相談やカウンセリングを充実するとともに、必要な生徒に対してはCS(キャリアサポート)制度を適用・支援を行っています。「いじめ早期発見のためのアンケート」は毎学期実施し早期発見・早期対応に努めています。
「令和4年度樟蔭中学校・高等学校 学校評価」をHPに掲載いたしましたので、詳細はこちら(またはこちら)をご覧ください。
樟蔭中学校高等学校 校長 小嶋信男
School Evaluation for the 4th Year of the Reiwa Era (2023)
We have finished compiling the school evaluation for the 4th year of the Reiwa era at Shoin Junior and Senior High School. What follows is an overview of the main findings of said evaluation.
In the 4th year of Reiwa, although the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic still lingered, progress in vaccination and various infection control measures allowed us to resume school operations in a manner much closer to normal.
Shoin’s vision is as follows:
To nurture young women who possess “high intelligence” and “rich sensibilities” and who can contribute meaningfully to society.
1. Cultivate comprehensive academic abilities that enable students to learn and think independently.
2. Foster the ability to deepen their own interests and talents, as well as achieve their future goals.
3. Strive to cultivate independence based on their own judgment, a sense of norms in social and school life, and develop a rich personality through a variety of educational activities.
As medium-term goals, our school aims for:
1. Academic development
2. Cultivation of rich personalities
3. Ensuring career paths
4. Enhancement of teaching staff
5. Enrollment of new students
6. Creating a safe and secure school environment
Regarding the self-assessment for the 4th year of Reiwa (based on teacher and student surveys):
1. Notable achievements in academic development included 15 students participating in a 3-month study abroad program in New Zealand that yielded very positive results. In addition, student exchanges with a high school in Taiwan began, and in March, 24 students participated in a study trip to South Korea, contributing to meaningful exchanges and experiences.
2. In the category of cultivating rich personalities, results from student surveys indicate that students have a high level of self-awareness, not only in greetings and discipline during school activities and commutes but also in their daily school life, with 92% reporting “good greetings” and 96% reporting “good adherence to rules.”
3. For ensuring career paths, we offer information sessions and consultations by teachers from Osaka Shoin Women’s University, off-campus courses, mock exams, career guidance, and various supplementary courses, aiming to achieve a 100% realization of students’ desired career paths.
4. To enhance teaching staff capabilities, we focus on improving teaching through class surveys, research classes, and the utilization of ICT equipment. We also promote organizational school management and information sharing to revitalize the school and its approach to teaching.
5. To secure new student enrollment, we respond to changing student and parent needs, collaborate with the local community, engage in publicity and information dissemination through the school website and social media, and conduct surveys among current students and parents to analyze and improve various aspects beyond high-rated items, such as 80% of students finding “school enjoyable” and 90% parent satisfaction.
6. In creating a safe and secure school environment, we enhance educational counseling and counseling services and provide support through the Career Support (CS) system for students in need. We conduct “bullying early detection surveys” every semester to ensure early detection and response.
In the near future, we will publish the “School Evaluation for the 4th Year of Reiwa the Era” on our website, so please refer to it for further details.
Principal of Shoin Junior and Senior High School
Nobuo Kojima