今年の目標は?〜What are your goals for this year?〜
ところで、「後悔先に立たず」と言い、 すでにしてしまったことを後で悔いても、もう取り返しがつかない。事をする前に熟慮することが大切であるということわざがあります。確かに、「あんなことしなければよかった」と思う時はありますが、実は、“やったこと”の後悔は“やらなかったこと”の後悔より少ないそうです。その理由は、“やったこと”で後悔するときは結果が分かっているので、たとえ失敗していてもそれよりひどくはなりません。さらに、失敗の理由や原因がわかり、対策ができれば、もう後悔する必要はなくなります。
話は少し変わりますが、1月20日深夜日本として史上初めて、世界でも5番目の快挙を成し遂げた、との報道がありました。それは、宇宙航空研究開発機構(JAXA)の小型月着陸実証機「SLIM」が月面着陸に成功したということでした。SLIM(Smart Lander for Investigating the Moon)は、軽自動車ほどの大きさの探査機で、2023年9月7日に打ち上げられました。将来の月惑星探査に必要な高精度着陸技術を実証する目的、言い換えれば、従来の「降りやすいところに降りる」探査ではなく、「降りたいところに降りる」探査に結びつく技術の実証ということだそうです。12月25日には月の周回軌道に入り、4カ月余りをかけて月面に到達しました。残念ながら、予定していた太陽電池が上手く働かず、100点満点ではなく60点の成功だとの発表でした。完全な成功とはならなかったにせよ、このことは後悔にはならないでしょう。原因を考え、改善点を求めて、さらに前に進んでいくとの思いに繋がっていくと信じます。失敗を恐れず、チャレンジすることの素晴らしさを感じさせてもらった記事でした。
樟蔭中学校高等学校 校長 小嶋信男
The new year has begun, and another month has already passed. Have you set any goals for this year? Are you getting closer to achieving your goals for this month? There is a saying that goes, “January is gone. February is running away. March is leaving.” The days really do go by in the blink of an eye.
There is another saying that says it is important to think carefully before doing something because once you’ve done something you regret, you can’t undo it. It’s true that there are times when I wish I hadn’t done something, but in reality, I have fewer regrets about the things I did than the things I didn’t. The reason for this is that when you regret something you did, you are fully aware of what the outcome was, so at worst, you will have failed. Furthermore, if you understand the reasons behind your failure and can take countermeasures so you will not feel such regret again in the future.
On the other hand, you will never know what the outcome may have been if you do not at least attempt things. You are likely to be left with that feeling of “what might have been”. Such regrets tend to stay with you, and it can be difficult to get over them.
At a young age, one may be hesitant to take on new challenges because one has little experience or confidence along with a fear of failure. However, individuals can prosper greatly by experiencing both successes and failures. It’s no exaggeration to say that one’s junior high school and high school years in particular are ideal for this purpose. Once you become an adult, the consequences of, for example, a constant failure to do your job satisfactorily, may be severe. However, if you take on new challenges in a positive manner during your student days, even if they are not always successful, you will still be able to benefit from these experiences, and most importantly, learn from them.
To all students, this year Shoin Junior and Senior High School will provide a range of opportunities for you to take on challenges in all areas of school life. Please take advantage of as many of these as possible as they will surely provide a path that will guide you towards achieving your goals.
On a slightly different subject, late on the night of January 20th, a news report stating that Japan had achieved something monumental for the first time in its history was released. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) small lunar landing vehicle named SLIM (Smart Lander for Investigating the Moon) had landed on the moon, making Japan only the fifth country ever to achieve this feat. SLIM is a spacecraft the size of a light car and was launched from the Takashima Space Station on September 7, 2023. The purpose of this mission was to demonstrate the high-precision landing technology necessary for future lunar and planetary exploration. In other words, this is the technology that will give spacecraft the pinpoint accuracy they need to land in an exact, rather than general, location. It entered orbit around the moon on December 25th, and reached the lunar surface just over four months after launching. Unfortunately, the solar panel responsible for powering the lander is not functioning correctly. As a result of this unintended consequence, JAXA announced that they had rated the mission a 6/10 rather than a perfect 10. Although it wasn’t a complete success, there will be no regrets. I believe that thinking about the causes, looking for improvements, and moving forward will lead to greater chances of success in the future. This article made me realize how wonderful it is to take on daunting challenges without fear of failure.
When I looked at the JAXA homepage, there were photos of those who had participated in this project. At a glance, one will notice that there may be more women involved with this project than would usually be expected. Some people may think that space exploration is generally limited to men with scientific backgrounds, but from this photo it is clear that there are many women active in this industry. Currently, JAXA has two new trainee astronauts, one of whom is female and is reported to have graduated from a private girls’ junior high school and girls’ high school. This is the first female astronaut candidate in 14 years. She will become only the third Japanese woman, and the youngest overall, if she is successful. So, students, why not set your goal to become Japan’s fourth female astronaut?
Shoin Junior and Senior High School Principal
Nobuo Kojima