樟蔭学園の建学の精神、特に“知・情・意”を大切にした教育は素晴らしいものであり、知識・知恵はもちろんのこと、人間の感情や情念、そしてそれをもとにした行動に繋がる意志、これらは創立106年目となった現代でも、いや現代にこそふさわしいものと思います。建学の精神を踏まえた、これまでの様々な教育の成果を大切にしつつ、新たな課題にも対応し、アフターコロナ、With AIの時代の世界を平和と繁栄へと向けリードする女性を育ててまいりたいと考えています。
Please let me take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Nobuo Kojima, and I took over the principal’s role from Principal Kusuno in April of this year. Previously, I had served as the vice-principal of Shoin Junior High School for two years from April 2021. At the beginning of my assignment at Shoin, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the facilities and equipment here at Shoin, as well as the meticulous way in which the school is cleaned and taken care of. The next thing I was impressed by was how the teachers and school staff feel about Shoin. Unlike in the public school system where staff are regularly transferred between schools, there are teachers who have been have been proudly working at Shoin for 20 or even 30 years. The best part I feel however is the students. From the students’ daily greetings and displays of good manners, to their efforts in club activities through to the national level, and their love of school events such as the Wakaba Festival, it’s easy to see how much enjoyment there is in school life at Shoin. This is further exemplified by the students who boldly take on extracurricular activities such as participating in international exchanges, student council activities, volunteer work, and by those who challenge themselves and are successful in endeavors such as gaining admission to high level universities. Our students have a deep pride in Shoin, as well as an overwhelmingly positive outlook on their school.
Shoin Gakuin’s founding spirit, rooted in the values “knowledge, emotion, and will” is truly wonderful, but it’s also human emotions and passions, and the actions surrounding them that is important. I believe that in its 106th year, Shoin’s will to lead the way into the future is even more important in these current times. Based on this foundation, and while valuing our school’s educational achievements so far, we will strive to respond to new challenges and to nurture young women who will lead the world toward peace and prosperity in this new post-corona, AI influenced era.
The motto for going forward is “Don’t panic, don’t rush, don’t give up.” We will do our best to progress without acting hastily, to respond to sudden events calmly, and to never give up even when faced with difficulties. Thank you very much.