





次に、2月10日の産経新聞で、昨年末に本学園で開催した「新体操部 樟蔭カップ」において、ウクライナの元世界女王のタマラ・イエロフィエバさんがエキシビションに出場し、演技を通じて母国への支援と平和を訴えたことが紹介されました。この大会には小学生から高校生の日本選手をはじめ、米国など海外選手を含む計187人が参加し、イエロフィエバさんは米国チームのコーチとして来日したものです。「大好きな日本での演技は大きな喜び。素晴らしい時間を過ごせた」と振り返ったそうです。本校の現役選手たちは「美しさに見とれた」と、演技に魅了され、日本の選手たちにとって貴重な体験になりました。演技後、イエロフィエバさんは平和への熱い思いを語ったそうです。会場ではウクライナ支援の募金も行われ、現地に届けられました。

最後は、バトントワリング部です。今年度には数回、テレビで紹介されたバトントワリング部ですが、今回はリポーターやカメラマンを中高の自治会執行部の生徒が担当したものです。2月21日に放映されたTBS「THE TIME.」の番組内の『全国!中高生ニュース』で紹介されました。本校生の特徴である明るく伸び伸びとした雰囲気がよく伝わって来ました。中高のバトントワリング部・ポンポンチア部は現在全国優勝を続けていますが、豊富な練習量に裏付けされた自信に満ちた演技と表情が大変印象的でした。これからも他の身体表現系クラブと切磋琢磨しながら、どのクラブもより大きく成長して欲しいと思います。

Physical Expression

In February of this year, the physical expression clubs at Shoin’s junior and senior high schools were both featured in media presentations. These presentations made it easy for viewers to see the vitality and enthusiasm of these clubs.

To begin, a dance video created by the junior and senior high school dance clubs, in collaboration with JA Green Osaka, was shown at the JA 25th Anniversary Ceremony on February 1st and promoted local agriculture. For this dance, junior and senior high school dance club members, producers, and JA staff danced to the JA original song “Fresh Club Go!” This video production energetically expressed the vibrant future of local farmers and the freshness of local agricultural products. One JA staff member in particular said, “I’m so happy that we could collaborate on a project to support both our members and these club activities which have faced numerous restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.” This video will be distributed via SNS in the near future.

Next, on February 10th, the Sankei newspaper featured an article on Tamara Yerofeeva, a former world champion rhythmic gymnast from Ukraine who participated in the exhibition section at the “Shoin Cup” held here at the end of last year. She used her performance to appeal for support and peace for her home country. A total of 187 participants, including Japanese athletes from elementary to high school ages, as well as a number from the United States, participated in the competition. Ms. Yerofeeva came to Japan as a coach for the U.S. team. “It was a great pleasure to perform in Japan, a country I love so much. I have had a wonderful time,” she recalled. The current students at our school were amazed by the performance, saying, “I was fascinated by the beauty of it.” It was an immensely valuable experience for those in attendance. After the performance, Ms. Yerofeeva spoke passionately about her strong desire for peace. At the same time, donations in support of Ukraine were also collected and are to be delivered to the country.

Lastly, the baton-twirling club has been featured on TV several times this academic year, but this time, students from the junior and senior high school student council served as reporters and camera operators. It was featured on “National! Middle and High School News” in the TBS program “THE TIME.” The bright and lively atmosphere, which is a characteristic of students at our school, was well conveyed. The junior and senior high school baton-twirling and pom-pom cheerleading clubs are currently continuing their national championship streaks, and their confident performances, backed by their extensive practice, have been very impressive. I hope that all the physical expression clubs will continue to prosper even more through competition.